Mobil DTE™ 732 M is next generation high performance turbine oil designed for use in Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) non-geared Single Shaft Heavy Duty Gas & Steam Turbines and Multi Shaft Gas Turbines. This product meets MHI’s requirements for long life – high temperature turbine applications, MS04-MA-CL005, through high quality base oils and additive system designed to provide long oil life. Mobil DTE 732 M also meets the requirements of MS04-MA-CL001 and CL002.
Features and benefits
- Excellent chemical and oxidation stability help reduce maintenance downtime and costs by contributing to system cleanliness and deposit reduction, which can enable long oil and filter life
- High resistance to foaming and rapid air release prevent pump cavitation, noisy and erratic operation, which can help reduce pump replacement and increase pump efficiency
- Reduces varnish formation potential, which can help to increase turbine operation reliability and reduce maintenance costs